How to Navigate the Worst Season of Your Life Pt 4

Thechurchcooscar   -  

If you have read all of my previous posts in this series, thank you. I appreciate you processing the worst event of my life together, and most importantly, I hope it is offering you a way forward in your trial.

Today I will answer the last questions people ask: How are you coping?

There are six non-negotiables that are enabling me to navigate forward:

1. Prayer

My prayer life is different right now. I am walking through the valley of the shadow of death so there are less words, less intercession, and more just being with God. He has to heal my heart. Psalm 23 says, “He restores my soul.” That is where I am right now. This is what I need.
When you go through the fire, the deep waters of suffering, it’s God’s presence that is most needed. This is what lamentations are for. As you go through suffering, I encourage you to let your prayers be different. My favorite Scripture in the entire Bible is:

“Trust in Him at all times, you people. Pour out your heart before Him. God is a refuge to us. Selah.” Psalm 62:8 NKJ

2. The Bible

God’s voice is the source of life. He spoke the worlds into existence, and He is still speaking to our hearts. It’s hard for me to look at certain passages and promises right now that didn’t come true for me. So I gravitate towards more of the relational passages, like John 15. But His Word is paramount to my recovery. It is to yours, too.

3. Praise

When I was in church last Sunday, it only took about halfway through the first song before I began to experience emotional freedom and joy. That’s what God’s presence does – it causes the enemy to fall back. It lifts the soul. It opens our spiritual eyes and hearts. It empowers. Whether alone, or in a crowd of worshippers, praise brings His presence and peace.

4. Friends

I went to a grief support group last week and the facilitator shared how our mind maps our relationships. In other words, when a loved one leaves the house in the morning, your minds expect them to return in the evening. When a person is removed from your life, your mind needs resolution. This is why turning to other relationships in our lives where we give and receive love helps our mind reconcile the emptiness. And isolation, which is a strong temptation, is the worst thing you can do. I am SO grateful I have so many people in my life who love me. I hope you do, too. If you don’t, begin making new friends. There is plenty of life left to live.

5. Purpose

Purpose pulls you forward. Part of my life’s purpose was to be a great husband and to build a life with Hope. But my purpose is broader than that – it is to be a great father, a faithful pastor, a good friend, and an effective witness for Christ so others can spend eternity with Jesus. I move forward with deep sorrow in my heart, but there is a whole lot more to live for. My kids need me. My church needs me. The lost need someone to show them the Light. I hope you feel the same way. In your pain, I encourage you to find purpose. It will be the very thing that helps you get up in the morning and begin building something new and good. And finally…

6. Hope

Biblical hope isn’t, “I hope so.” But rather, “I expect so.” Biblical hope is anchored in the character of God, and God is called the “God of Hope.”

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 NKJ

I expect things to get better. I expect to heal. I expect to bear more fruit. I expect to make new friends. I expect that my current friendships will deepen, and that my relationship with my kids will be stronger. I am looking forward to divine moments – God moments – that will help restore my life. I expect the same for you, too.

Then there is the hope of heaven. I will see Hope again – oh, and Jesus. Praise the Lord.
I hope these posts have been a source of encouragement to you. We are all in a process, and life is hard. But God is good, and He is near.

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted, and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed.” Psalm 34:18 NCV
